Russian Mail Order Brides – Guide To Marrying A Beautiful Russian Woman

sexy russian girl

Russian mail order brides turn heads with her stunning model beauty.  But how do you find and romance a good Russian bride? The answers are here.

I doubt any red-blooded male can deny it or hasn’t day-dreamed of having a gorgeous Russian bride.  Between the sexy accent and the high beauty standards girls have for themselves, they have everything you could want in the looks department.

But are they good partners?  What are they like?  Are they going to turn into that Russian battleaxe you see on television?  I have dated, romanced and more importantly, introduced countless guys to Russian women over the last score of years.

Many of whom got married and are still married to this day.  My experience has led me to write this article. But first, take a look at the broader post on European mail order brides. It’s a good base to start with, as you read this one.

Amolatina dont go out

Why You Should Look for a Russian Bride

Breathtaking Russian women are unappreciated in Russia

Russian women are the gold standard of beauty and the most beautiful mail order brides, bar none. 

The part I found so hard to believe, before I went there and saw it for my own eyes… is that the very same lady that turns your head so hard, you get whiplash… is not getting any attention back in Russia because there are so many like that in her home country.  She isn’t even considered special there!

You can’t fathom it, sitting at home, staring at her on the screen right now, but go to Russia and if you think I am one pebble off of giving you the stone cold truth, I will buy you Vodka until you pass out.

Accents aside, Russian ladies redefine the standards of the word ‘beauty’ thanks to their high and wide cheekbones, rapturous eyes, and on top of all that, an eccentric personality, a strong will, and an irrefutably hardworking soul.

Taking all this in, it doesn’t come as a surprise to see the number of guys in my circle looking in the direction of Russia women for romance.

These women are smart!

sexy Russian woman in the library

Russian women that are looking for a better man and a better life are not only are drop dead gorgeous but they also have a surprisingly high level of education. 


More so than Asian or Latin country that I have traveled, I found almost every single woman I met in Russia to know more about a wide variety of topics than you would expect.

Russian women, just like Ukrainian women, benefit from a great education system, and the women are not just good in science and math but also art and literature.  They value a broad intellectualism, rather than focusing just on what they need to know for their specific major or job.

If a quiet, docile, sweetly-dumb girl is what you would prefer, there are better countries to find your dream girl. 

But if you want a woman who will keep your life interesting and stimulate you, intellectually (and physically <cough>) then you just might be looking in the right place.

And if you can nurture her mind, as well as her body, you will have the best lifelong partner any man can have.

Russian women are not just hot…but they STAY hot

I won’t go on too much about their looks because you can see for yourself what they look like.  But one thing I would make note of.  Their beauty isn’t just there to ‘hook a guy’.

They have been raised in a culture that is both traditional and one where the high female to male ratio means they have grown up competing for men.  So much so that the idea of looking amazing is ingrained in them as a part of their femininity.

Where a lot of western women will look nice while dating and then put on 30 pounds right after you get married, Russian women are much more likely to maintain that same beauty, even as they get older.

They are tougher and yet more positive than you can imagine

It’s kind of a cliche but a lot of guys think all Russian women are going to have a gloomy, forlorn attitude.  I don’t blame you for thinking that.  Between images of stark, freezing Siberia and a league of melancholy writers, who could blame you?

Fortunately, the reality is much the opposite.  Russian women have impressed me with their inner strength because they so often remain optimistic and positive despite all those things. 

Really, in the west, we have had it so much better and yet, I too often hear nothing but complaints about life, especially from women.

Everyone has a right to their feelings but I love a woman with a positive attitude.  And, weird as it sounds, that’s why I love Russian women so much.  There’s an inner fire there that just won’t go out.

Tips For Dating a Russian Woman

cute Russian woman flirting

Use your culture to make an intellectual connection

You need to strive to have interesting conversations with a Russian woman, especially if she is well-educated.  No-one wants a wife that can’t hold a conversation. Whether you are discussing art, literature or your favorite movie, your future bride would love to have someone she can talk to about the things she has learned.  This doesn’t mean you have to have come straight out of college, sometimes just being from another country makes a great topic.

You might already know this but try to avoid talking about her appearance.  She knows she’s hot.  She knows you know she’s hot.  Talking about it just going to be boring as heck. 

asian mail order brides

Try to put out of your mind, those long legs, delicious curves and stunning eyes.  You need to try and find that mental and intellectual connection between the two of you and that’s going to come from either education, skills or even life experience.

Even if you think you have no life experience, remember you are from a different culture.  Every thing you learned growing up is a potential source of interest to her, by virtue of it being from a different culture.  Just be prepared to talk about and explore those things and you will be fine.

If you want more of a small town, country girl, then Latvian Mail Order Brides might be just your speed.

Respect the Motherland

gorgeous Russian woman in front of the Kremlin

No matter what your political bent is, just remember that to most Russian women, Russian is still the best and the most beautiful country created. This might seem like an odd outlook when you are talking to a woman who is looking for a man from outside her country but rest assured, in her mind, she will have resolved that paradox and despite not wanting a Russian man, and even ignoring the fact that she is looking at leaving her country, she is probably still very proud of Russia.

At the extreme, if you have something negative to say about Putin…even about Stalin, just remember, she is being patriotic, in her way, and you need to respect her, even if you don’t respect the things she respects.

Otherwise, she might consider a lack of respect for her country to be a lack of respect for her.  Wondering how true this is? Well…let’s just say that I learned my lesson the hard way.  Don’t be foolish like I was.

Be confident

When wooing a Russian woman, nothing works better than boldness and confidence.  Fortune favors the bold and if you want that Russian lady, you must be direct in your approach.  This is essential when making your first move because these women respect confidence, assertiveness, and strength.

If for any reason you display weakness, then you will lose the chance of dating that great woman. So, if you have trouble making the first move, you need to rethink your strategy. Do your best to wield your inner strength and exude confidence, even if you are video chatting or texting.  If it doesn’t come naturally, tell yourself that this woman is the one who signed up first to meet you.  A woman’s sixth sense is powerful, and every Russian woman will tell you that they find a confident and bold man sexy.

You should be confident in your actions. Don’t be afraid of using humor, teasing, and some western banter.

Now don’t go overboard and be a jerk.  That actually works well on western girls because they are so used to men that aren’t overbearing gorillas.  But due to the culture in Russia, they have plenty of guys that treat women like dogs, already.  So be nice but be firm.

Family is important to Russian women

blonde Russian bride taking care of her husband

Out of the many things that are important in the life of a Russian woman, family tops the list. They expect to start a family soon.  Unless they tell you something different, know that your bride to be will likely expect kids at some point, especially if she doesn’t have any already.

Amolatina dont go out

Don’t forget that these ladies come from big families.  Most of these families tend to be welcoming and warm, as long as you treat them well and act like a gentleman.  Down the road, if you can welcome her into your family, it will make things ten times easier on her.  That will pay rewards in making your life easier, too!

Body language

This might be a bit basic but here goes.  When courting your lady, your body language should communicate your intentions. Maintain eye contact – the eyes are the windows to the souls and also, your eyes will be the first thing the lady sees when you meet or even chat with them online.  Looking away or being intimidated won’t show your confidence.

So, eye contact and confident body language are the things that a lady is looking for or using to gauge whether or not you are a strong man and worth her devotion.  Like shyness when communication, a weak body language will not get you the best Russian bride.

Dress to impress

Gentlemen, Russian ladies are tired of seeing the old scruffy, faded and worn out shirts and jackets or dirty brown pants.  So, if you want to stand out and sweep her off her feet, you should dress nicely.  Get a few pairs of good quality slacks and some dressy but casual shirts.  A sports blazer wouldn’t kill you, either.

Russian women put a LOT of effort into their appearance.  They don’t expect you to come close to matching them but if you don’t put in any effort at all, it’s just disrespectful to how much they work on their appearance.

You don’t have to be handsome.  You don’t have to be rich.  But if you want to meet a cute girl wearing shorts and sandals, you might be better off somewhere hot, where the dress code is more relaxed.

Understand her attitude on gender roles

Unlike a lot of the western world, in Russia, it is the role of women to take care of the home, as well as their men.  So, even if you want to take the lead, you should be ready to take a small step back for some time and let the lady put you first.  Let yourself be pampered and let her do her job.  It will make her feel comfortable if she knows what you expect from her.  Especially if it’s how she was raised, anyway.  While trying your best to respect her wishes, you will receive loyalty and respect.

While at it, you must be chivalrous. Russian men are comparatively rude and brash, and so, you should not display any of that. Be a well-mannered and courteous gentleman. Hold the door, pull out the chair and let her have her way around. Those little things matter a lot to women and doubly so in cultures where they don’t get much of it.

Western girls sometimes value their own freedom and career more than that of the their husband or even the family.  You will find Russian women have much more traditional views on family and gender roles.

Why Are There So Many Russian Mail Order Brides?

The truth is, there are mail order brides from LOTS of countries.  So many that we even made a whole Top Ten list of countries to meet foreign girls.  But Russian mail order brides seems like the most cliche one that everyone has heard about.  There’s a lot of reasons for that.

Amolatina dont go out

Wars have left many Russian women lonely

Russian soldiers leaving wife at home

No, no, nothing current.  I am talking about Russia’s long history of wars taking a toll on the male population.  I am going to try not to bore you with a long history lesson.  But bear with me, just a little insight into Russian history is necessary here.  First there was the Great War that had an absolutely massive effect on the male population of Russia.  I was reading about this a bit and came across a passage, after that war, where an educator was telling the young girls:

“Only one out of ten of you girls can ever hope to marry. This is not a guess of mine. It is a statistical fact.”

“Nearly all the men who might have married you have been killed. You will have to make your way in the world as best you can.”

After the Russian Revolution and WWII, a huge number of men who perished in the war was significant, and the ladies were more than the remaining men could satisfy. Some estimates are as high as 80% of fighting age Russian men being killed in WWII.  What that meant is a case of the survival of the fittest. The most attractive women got married and sired kids who carried their beautiful genes and looks from their mothers.

So wars have taken a big toll on the number of men available but that’s not the only reason.  There’s one more big contributor to the male to female ratios in Russia…

Vodka has widowed many a Russian bride

Excessive drinking not only caused serious health problems, it caused serious family problems.  And when we say ‘drinking’, we aren’t talking about a few beers to relax or even the occasional weekend bender, we are talking hardcore drinking of the kind that most westerners only see in movies.

drunk man on the table

You know, when I was St. Petersburg, I saw guys drinking a lot but I assumed it was just being social.  Being a foreigner, every guy wanted to know how I liked Russian vodka.

So I thought “Hey, they are trying to share their culture with me and they want me to partake in something they are particularly proud of”.  Which is no doubt true but it goes much deeper than tha.  Vodka seems to be a part of the national identity, as far as I could see.

I later read the statistics and it confirmed my concern.  It turns out that a quarter of Russian guys die before the age of 55.  55!  That’s like…medieval times!  And the studies in that link point squarely towards Vodka as the main culprit.

Russian Women Want Respect

Sure, most women seek respect from their partner. But that is often in short supply in Russian culture.  Perhaps it’s because there are so few men, they get a little cocky.  Or maybe it’s something in the macho character of Russian men.  Or maybe they just have their own more pressing problems to deal with.

I don’t know what it is, exactly.  And don’t get me wrong, I have met and befriended some really great Russian guys that had fantastic relationships with their wives and girlfriends.

All I know is that in the end, many Russian women feel that their existence is relegated to just bearing children, taking care of the home and serving their men, no matter how unfaithful or alcoholic he may be.

In America and other western countries, though, marriage has the reputation for being built on love, passion and respect.  You and I know that’s not always true but that’s the reputation and probably the goal of most guys.

Especially so with Russian women, they often just want a place where their existence, their femininity and their beliefs really matter to someone.

What Is a Russian Woman Looking for…in a Husband?

A few days after my first interaction with the Russian ladies, it became readily apparent that the ladies are tougher than some of the other countries I have been to when looking for a partner.  A Russian lady expects you to treat them right, buy flowers, dress smart, and show them respect.  But you also have to be your own man, pursuing your own self-development. Don’t expect your new Russian love to sit next to you, placidly listening to you whining about your life!

So, be forewarned – it won’t be all sexy accents and shots of Vodka.  When the party’s over, she is ready to move her life in a positive direction.  Your Russian partner probably won’t be a lazy girl.

Especially if it’s one of those stunning mail order brides you see on my site.  So, if you want to drink all day and go nowhere, she is going to think she can find that back home, why look elsewhere?

Now that doesn’t mean you have to be rich or have an amazing job.  It could just as easily mean working on a farm.  As long as you are the man and you have a plan, that’s what counts.  The best part is she will likely be ready to roll up her sleeves and help you get there!

How Much Does It Cost to Meet, Date and Marry A Russian Woman?

how much money for the girl

Despite the frequency with which we are asked this question, there is no single answer.  But don’t worry, we are going to break it down so you can get a better idea of what your specific costs might be.

We hope it’s obvious but every once in a while, we have had to clarify this.  Mail order brides…are not actually for sale.  While there will be costs involved in meeting, dating and possibly marrying your wife or girlfriend, none of it constitutes buying a bride.  Ok, there…obvious disclaimer out of the way, let’s continue.

Broadly speaking, the usual costs associated with meeting, dating and marrying a Russian woman are accommodation, airfare, visas, the services offered by the mail-order bride agency and normal dating costs, like buying dinner.

As a rough average, you’d spend between $3,800 and $30,000 depending on what you are looking for.  A lot of that bigger number will be the cost of trips to Russia, which has some side benefits, anyway.  That’s such a huge range, it might not be all that helpful so let’s break that down and see how it works out, in your situation.

Communication costs

attractive Russian girl on a laptop

You probably don’t know any Russian but on the offhand chance you do, that will cut down on costs.  But even if you don’t, the level of English proficiency among women varies.  If she speaks or understands English, you may have to spend less on communication.  But, if not, you have to consider the cost of a translator or an automatic chat system.  Warning: you might also have to help her out if she has limited access to the internet.

The chat systems are a chatting system of communication that gives the woman access to an online translator while they type. It is fast, and on some sites, some videos let you see each other while chatting.

Depending on how you meet her and what stage the relationship is at, you could also communicate directly via text messages, phone calls or Skype.   These channels aren’t always as cheap as you would think because some parts of Russia have poor internet.  Unlike America where almost every kid has a computer, the woman you are chatting with may not have a laptop or even a good smart phone.

As mentioned above, there are translators.  You may have to pay as much as $15 an hour, though you can probably find cheaper if you look.  Some mail order bride agencies also put together a bundle of services for a package deal that might include a translator.

Travel costs

man getting off the plane

Depending on where your potential bride-to-be lives, how extravagant you are when you visit and the number of times you plan to travel to Russia, travel costs are the highest. Since this could well be the highest expense you incur, you should be careful to make sure that you’ve not wasted too much visiting a single woman.

Make sure you visit more than one woman once you are finally there, unless you are really far along into the relationship with one.  Even then, given the cost of travel, it might be good to have backup plans (ie, women) in case it falls through with your favorite.

Your Visa

If you don’t already have a passport, they are pretty easy to get.  An American passport, for example, is around $120 and not too much hassle to get.  You are definitely going to want to go meet her.  The term ‘Mail Order Bride’ is a bit of a misnomer, you really need to go meet her and it’s best to do it in her home country to avoid any mishaps.

A Visa for you to get to Russia is going to be anywhere from $80 for a single entry Visa to a $540 for a multiple entry, expedited Visa (Source: TravelVisaPro).  Add another $30 for an invitation letter, too.

Russian immigration is pretty strict so make sure you get your papers squared away or they will cart you off to the gulag.  Ok, probably not an actual Gulag.  But if you are sitting in the airport after being denied entry with a hot young Russian girl waiting for you on the other end…you might just feel like you are in a Gulag.

Her Visa and naturalization costs

Getting her back home entails more bureaucracy, of course.  This time, on the U.S. side.  Well, any country, really, but I am going to use the U.S. as an example.  Other western countries should be pretty similar.

You have to petition for her to come back to your home country.  Once you include all the steps involved in that, it’s going to run around $650.  You will also need to pay for her plane ticket and transportation to come back home with you.

This is probably getting ahead of myself but if it gets to the point of getting her permanent residency, down the road, you will be adding another $1100 or so for the medical tests and forms and applications involved with that.

Cost of married life

Despite being highly educated, for a year or two after you marry, your Russian wife may not have a job, and you have to pay for everything,as you would with any non-working spouse.  If kids are involved, you will have to support them, of course, and then there are extra expenses like driving or taking English lessons.  Don’t forget the clothes you have to buy, utensils, and other family expenses.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait

One word.  Globalization, my friends.  Right now, the Russian mail order bride business is booming because more and more people are going online.  Cultural barriers are breaking down.  Walls are falling.  The world is becoming more and more connected, every day.  This means guys and girls are becoming more and more connected every day, too!

cute Russian girl on the phone

That’s good for you and me

Because it means the costs of meeting girls are coming down.  Because the availability of beautiful Russian mail order brides and their interest in meeting foreign men for love and marriage is higher than ever.  There is more knowledge about how and where to meet the girls and everything is becoming easier.  This article, for example, is designed to make it so much easier.

It’s also bad for you and me

Because it’s more competition.  You aren’t the only guy reading this article.  Every day, more guys join dating agencies and more Russian mail order brides get more messages from lonely guys.  Every day, more guys book marriage tours.  Every day, more guys start planning their trips to go meet waiting Russian mail order brides.  The same thing that makes it easier for you to chat, meet and date a Russian bombshell is exactly true for every other guy, too.

If you feel like there is too much competition, there are still options. For example, if a loose adherence to Islam isn’t a problem, then Uzbek Mail Order Brides are an option that most guys haven’t even heard of.

Why Now Is The Time For A Russian Mail Order Bride

I believe we are hitting the peak right now, where the ease of doing it hasn’t QUITE caught on in the mainstream yet but it’s getting closer and closer every day.  More of my friends back home are asking me questions.  Some of my friends used to scoff at me for meeting mail order brides overseas.

Those very same friends now won’t let me talk about anything else!  A few of them have even started talking to girls in Russia.  Not too many of them have actually booked trips yet but they are getting closer and closer.

That’s why this is the time to do it.  While the availability of gorgeous girls for us is still at an all time high and the competition is still undecided. 

Once everyone jumps on the wagon, you will be back to facing the same challenges as the west and that head-turning, devoted, sex-bomb future mother of your children…will have 100 chowder-heads messaging her every single day, just like a meat market here at home.