Filipina Mail Order Brides – Sweet, Loyal and Sexy

Drop-dead gorgeous Filipina beauty

Filipinas make beautiful and loyal brides! Filipino brides have that mix of Asian and Latina looks that gives them an exotic but familiar appeal.  They are loyal to their family and they are loyal to their man.

They have some traits in common with other Asian women (you can read our guide on Asian Mail Order Brides). Yet they have a unique mix of characteristics, due to colonization periods (more on that later).

And unless you’re lucky and rich enough to be able to wake up one morning and say, “I’m going on a holiday today”, then, like the rest of us, you have to plan ahead. Planning ahead means jumping onto the internet and checking:

  • Where you want to go
  • How much you want to spend
  • How long you can go for
  • What you want to do

Wow, Are Those Girls Looking at Me?

If you’re in the Philippines, sitting at a Starbucks or McDonalds, or just at a coffee place in a shopping center and you’re wondering whether that sexy Filipina lady is openly looking at YOU, the answer is “Yes, she is”. You need to know something about a country like this. The women will be chasing you.

mail order brides

And the not-so-shy will be doing it boldly in public places hoping to pick up stray foreign men with wallets full of money. Not all the Filipinas are gold diggers, but the ones cruising shopping centers and clubs more than likely are. Although this way of getting picked up will work 99% of the time, you need a better plan.

hot Filipina girls

Here’s Your Plan For Courting A Filipina Girl

If you intend to take the holiday to the Philippines in 4 – 6 weeks’ time, you should be registering on a dating site that is full of Pinays. (Gender names as follows: Philippine guys are Pinoys and Filipinos. Women are Pinays and Filipinas.)

Spend the few bucks to register, add some cool pictures, and state the period you will be in the country. Sit back and wait.

The floodgates will open for the next 24 hours and then you have to spend some time sifting through quite a lot of prospects.

cute pinay


  1. Unless you want a ready made family to look after on your holiday, avoid all those that say they are married, or unmarried with kids. You’re on a holiday, not a marriage trip.
  2. Depending on your taste in women, delete the ones to whom you are not attracted.
  3. Remove the ones that don’t fall into your age requirements – too young or too old.
  4. Eliminate Ladyboys, unless of course…!
  5. Start some dialogue with the ones you have picked. Be courteous, polite and firm. The chat will help you determine their level of English. Believe me, you have to be able to communicate with your girlfriend.
  6. Delete the ones who can barely put three words together in English on a chat link.
  7. Remove the ones who start asking for money within two days of talking and also the ones who hint at needing financial help. (Some will ask for money within 3 minutes of knowing you!)
  8. Delete the ones who refuse or make excuses not to cam with you. DO NOT get attached to any girl that you have not seen on cam, EVER!
  9. If she’s working, has a full-time job, make sure she can get time off. Otherwise delete.
pretty pinay

That exercise will take a week or so. Expect to have at least 100 women chasing you. If you’re sort of cute, it will be twice as many. Is this hard work? Yes and no. It’s time-consuming but it will almost guarantee you a darn good holiday. After completing the steps above, you should have 3 to 5 delightful honeys to decide on.

Amolatina - video dating

Chat to them as often as you can to get to know them well. Continue to be careful.

Should You Travel With Her…or To Her?

A holiday in the Philippines always starts in Manila. If you want to meet the girl in Manila and then take her on holidays with you, that’s fine. Manila is full of clubs, karaoke bars and many restaurants as well as some great hotels.

sexy pinay in bed

Hint. Make sure you are in a ‘guest friendly’ hotel. That means they don’t mind you bringing a young lady to your room.

Get to know her and if you did your homework, you are going to hit it off in person as well as you did online. Anyway, you have 2 reserves on your phone to call, just in case, haven’t you?

If you are holidaying in Palawan, Boracay, Davao, or Cebu, and you don’t want to pay for your girl’s flight, then pick one who lives where you are going to holiday. Problem solved.

Hint. If you are going to multiple destinations away from Manila, then you are a lot safer to allow yourself to be chased at those locations by women. And they will! In Cebu, be careful, though.

Travel to Philippines and see these beauties!

Marrying a Filipina Mail Order Bride

Filipina brides are really gorgeous, sexy, hot and very loving. Some of them can be very cunning too. Hopefully, you figured that out while you were chatting with them.

If you spend a couple of weeks with one having a great holiday, it’s going to be hard to leave her. For you, it was a holiday. For them, it was a break from poverty and usually a hard life. And maybe hope for their future.

Be kind to Filipinas, they are some of the most genuine and nicest people on the face of the planet. All in spite of many hardships.

Want to do it on your own?
Nothing wrong with having no plan and going on a holiday with no expectations. Wherever you go, lovely Pinays will be giving you the eye, a come on. If you didn’t plan, then take the chance.

Don’t get yourself caught in any situation that will cost you money or cause personal injury. That goes for every country, not just the Philippines.

Delectable women from The Philippines

Here Are Some Important Tips for Internet Dating in the Philippines

1. Never give out personal information to someone that you do not know. This includes your full name, address, phone number, private e-mail or ANY financial information.

There is never any reason to send a woman you just met money or give her your credit card number. If she asks for this information then you should immediately stop talking to her because her motives are not pure.

2. Be realistic about your expectations. Dating on the internet is not a magic ticket to love. Just as with dating in the real world, you will meet some girls that you do not like or who do not like you.

mail order brides

Miss Right is not going to immediately pop up on your laptop screen. That’s simply not the way it works.

tattooed sexy filipina

3. Be cautious with women who seem to be moving very fast. If she is interested in marriage right away or wants you to book her a flight to America immediately then you may be being scammed.

A woman who is truly on the site for the right reasons won’t move at lightning speed. That is very suspicious behavior.


beautiful pinay

If you have a bit of experience in overseas travel and know some of the things to look out for about picking up women in bars, on the street or in places of sin, then you will understand this warning.

But this article does not recommend that as a very safe way to go about organizing some overseas love life. If a girl is making herself available in those situations, then she might not be the type with whom you want to spend some quality time.

Just for the record, this applies doubly so in Thailand. Make sure to check out Thai mail order brides to learn how to spot the hidden gems.

Filipina Mail Order Bride Websites

screenshot of filipina dating site

Another option could be an introduction website. Such internet companies basically set up a vacation for you where you will fly to the Philippines to meet women. They will gather the women and arrange parties and social events where you and other Western men can mingle with hot Filipinas.

Advantages of Filipina bride introduction services

pinay profile pic on filipino dating website
  1. You can meet women face to face and actually have a realistic view of them. You can be sure that they are real… that they aren’t men or under aged girls, for instance, trying to scam you.
  2. You will have the opportunity to experience the culture and the country. You can take a few girls out on “dates” and get to know them on their own turf.
  3. The people who set up these gatherings and introductions use criteria that you have given them to choose the women that they think you should meet. They are basically international matchmakers. This is a really cool way to meet a foreign lady.
sexy pinay

Disadvantages of Filipina bride introduction services

  1. The matchmakers that are working to find girls for you don’t really know you or them and are only guessing, at best, that you two might hit it off.
  2. You will be with lots of other bachelors and you guys will be sort of “fighting” over the pool of women.
  3. This is extremely expensive. You have to pay for the service, of course, and then there is the flight and accommodations. Not a cheap way to meet a woman.
  4. You may feel pressure to meet someone and bring them back immediately. Be aware that this is not the case and that you should wait until you find the right lady.

Of course, the problem is that once you have spent the kind of money that you will have spent, there will definitely be a sense of urgency.

sexy filipina

Filipinas are highly desirable because they are very beautiful and exotic and come from a rich and fascinating culture. You want to marry one? Well, it is very possible to meet a great Filipina girl and live a long and happy life together.

You just need to do your research and decide how you want to go about it.

Most of the time, you will not find a Filipino woman at your local bar. That doesn’t mean that you should give up. You may just need to think outside of the box a little bit.

Amolatina dont go out

Internet dating and introduction services are great tools to find the right girl. Just be realistic and don’t rush into anything. Be aware that you don’t need to find “HER” right away and that you can take your time to find the perfect woman for you.

Why Filipinas Want to Date & Marry Western Men

Beautiful pinay

Today, a growing numbers of Filipina singles are showing preference for Western men.

Men from US, UK, Canada, and Australia are loving, kind and compassionate. Hot Filipina women thus find them competent enough to fulfill their dreams of a happy, complete family. This is somewhat true of all mail order brides but the two places in Asia it’s most common are the Philippines and Vietnam (see more about Vietnamese mail order brides).

Filipinas are seeking to date and marry western guys for the following reasons:

Filipinas desire a better relationship

pretty filipina

A good percentage of Western men come from strong family structures where they assume more traditional gender roles and seek to care for their women. They are courteous, responsible, caring, and better partners than the Philippine men.

Western men are financially intelligent

Western men are more educated in the area of finance and have greater understanding of savings, investments, retirement planning, etc. This is mostly because of higher level of exposure and coaching, but all that matters is that they know how make better decisions than Philippine men, when it comes to money management.

Half-Filipino kids are beautiful

beautiful young half filipina

Filipina women admire the features and physical contours of the western men. Thus, they want to marry the western guys to bear gorgeous, cute, and adorable half-Filipino children. The Filipino blood blended with the physic looks of the western men gives the children a unique and attractive looks.

Western men don’t take everything as a challenge to their masculinity

While noticeably docile, a Philippine bride has a mind and opinion of her own and she wants it to be heard. Men from the western countries have the habit of listening and acknowledging the opinion of their partners.

Besides, engaging in a relationship with a western man allows the women to learn things about western cultures.

MacArthur, the National Hero


The love affair between white men and Filipinas seems to have started as early as WW2. Since that time when General MacArthur ( a controversial military figures of the twentieth century) saved the Philippines from their enemies, all white men receive warm welcome from the local people, particularly the ladies.

white men and filipina couple

Why You Should Date & Marry A Woman From the Philippines

The international dating realm has become more and more popular. In the Philippines, the Filipinas have a way of charming the hearts of the western men. They have an intriguing blend of Hispanic and East Asian culture and a surprisingly pro-western attitude.

Even so, why should western men consider marrying or dating a Filipina? Here are a few reasons why:

Unconditional love with no boundaries

If you are in your late 30s or 40s, 50s or even 60s, it might be challenging to find younger western women to date or marry. However, Filipina singles do not focus their attention on age or appearance; they consider other traits such as loving, caring, responsible, and willingness to commit.

They value marriage

Divorce is not even allowed in the Philippines. Hence, Filipinas consider marriage a sacred tie that binds two people for the rest of their lives. In fact, women who get divorced are usually frowned by the society for breaking a sacred tie.

beautiful filipina

Their culture molds them in a way that they focus on what is crucial to their marriage. This makes them more reliable and can stick to their partners through thick and thin.

(Update March 1, 2018): In 2018, the Philippines government is only now considering an act that will enable divorce in the Philippines.

They are loving and caring

The Philippine women are among the sweetest and most romantic people in the world. They love deeply, strongly, and sincerely.

They value and care about their relationships, and will always stay faithful to their partners.

Have a strong character and are family-oriented

Filipina girls are petite and slim, but most importantly are very strong especially those in the rural. They are exposed to different types of household chores such as cooking and cleaning at a very young age.

filipina knows how to cook

These make them dependable, responsible, and resilient. They are all-round women who think about the family’s welfare first.  In fact, strong ties to family and religion are one of the top 3 Filipino traits.

They are beautiful

Filipinas are among the most feminine and stunningly beautiful women in the world. Their physical attractiveness includes a naturally tan skin, dark hair, and bright eyes among other unique features. Moreover, they wear clothes that heighten their feminine character.

Marrying a Filipina

Western guy married a Filipina woman

Why do you want to date and marry a Filipino woman? The real question is “WHY NOT?” They are gorgeous, exotic, smart and kind. They make fabulous wives and are raised with strong family values.

You would be a fool NOT to be interested in Filipino ladies. With all of that said, meeting a Filipino woman as a Westerner may not be the easiest thing to do. This article is a simple, “How To” guide to Filipina mail order brides (and Filipina women, in general)!

If you are looking to meet a Filipino woman you can certainly look for one in your own country. However, there are a few limitations to this tactic:

pretty pinays

1. Filipino women who live in Western countries do not tend to hang out around Westerners. They tend to spend time in social environments with other Filipinas and are sometimes hesitant to go out to the bars, clubs or restaurants where you may be looking for dates.

2. If you live in a rural or suburban area, there may be a very limited number of Filipinas for you to meet. You will find that in more urban areas there tends to be more of a “melting pot” but in less populous areas, minorities can be scarce.

So, if you are having trouble to meeting a Filipino girl the “old fashioned way” then you may want to look to the internet for help. Internet dating is sometimes stigmatized. It is considered to be for losers or dorks who can’t meet women in “real life.”

pretty filipina

However, this stigma is really starting to come to an end. So many successful relationships and marriages have started on the web that people are starting to recognize the power of online dating. Filipinas are one of the most avid adopters of social media. Facebook, Tagged, Wechat, Whatsapp, you name it, Filipino women have a love of social media. And online dating just comes along with that, naturally.

You don’t have to be looking for a foreign girl to use a dating site, of course, BUT if you are interested in connecting with a girl overseas then internet dating is an awesome option. If you do choose to go this route then you will have no trouble finding a site geared toward your needs. Take your time and choose the right one.

Older Men Are Welcome

Filipinas make remarkable partners if you are considering a fun and exciting long-term relationship. They are culturally and lovingly attracted to western men and they are one of the least age-sensitive cultures out there, making this one of the best places on earth for an older guy that desires to date a younger girl.

One of the sweetest couples I have met in the Philippines is between a Pinay who is 26 and a simple, but good-hearted, American guy that is 62.  They have been together 4 years and counting.

filipina and old white guy

I am going to tell you something now that I probably shouldn’t…18 years ago, when I started on the international dating scene, I still had some of the myths and prejudices in my head that people have, even now, when they don’t know any better.  And so, when I met them, I wondered, for a minute, if he was rich.  Yes, shame on me.

Oh my, I should have known better.  After I got to know them better, I found out that he was retired on a somewhat meager salary.  Enough to support himself in the Philippines, easily, but he had retired to the Philippines precisely because he wouldn’t be very comfortable on his income back home.

Still, I thought, it would at least make a stable life for his partner, who was phenomenally hot and still in the bloom of youth.  That’s when I found out the real shocker.  She had actually won a lottery in the Philippines, to the tune of 1.2 Million Philippine Pesos and change.  Now, that’s only around $23,000 in U.S. Dollars but in the Philippines, that’s enough that she didn’t need anyone taking care of her, or her family, for a very, very long time.

pinay with sexy legs

But that’s when she told me something that really made me intrigued.  Not only did she not need his money but she actually gave half the lottery winnings to him, as her ‘Asawa’ (husband)!

Now that’s an extreme case.  Most age gaps are closer to the 20-30 range but if you like dating younger women, for whatever reason, this is the place to be.  It even inspired me to write a whole post, just about older men dating younger women.

And if you are a younger guy, don’t worry, you will get plenty of love, too.  Bring a good heart, some interest in family values and Philippines will be the place where the women are chasing you!