Top 10 Countries to Meet Hot Foreign Women

simple and beautiful girls around the world

Some countries make it easy to meet and date beautiful foreign women.  This will help save you some time to find the best countries to meet and date beautiful girls.

If you’re reading this there’s a good chance you’re a  single guy who’s been thinking of doing some foreign travel (and meeting some foreign women).

The world is a pretty big place though, and it takes considerable time and money to really learn the ins and outs of dating the women in a given country (not that it wasn’t fun, as educational trips go).

Regardless, I am going to attempt to help you narrow down the number of destinations you’ll have to visit to meet the most beautiful women on the planet.

Amolatina - video dating

Bookmark this page because you will want to come back as you do more research.  And then strap yourself in for a free education in Global dating because whether you want to date or marry a hot foreign woman, this is a list of the 10 best countries to do it.

1. Philippines

Philippines: Women and Travel

There are lots of reasons why the Philippines comes first on our list, but the primary one is that most girls here speak English, so there’s no language barrier issue.

Well, that is unless the girl is from a poorer family, in which case you’d better learn some Tagalog or you’re going to find dating her an absolute nightmare.

Generally speaking, most of the Filipinas will speak either English or Spanish, so you’re good to go from the very start.

The Philippines itself is made up of several thousand islands, with a population in excess of 100 million people. Cities to add to your hangout list include Manilla, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Makati and Davao.

island in the philippines

The best time to visit is when the rainy season is over, and the summer heat has eased off, so plan your trip to take place between November and February, if possible.

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Showing respect towards others is a key part of Filipino culture, so being a loud, obnoxious player won’t get you anywhere. Filipinas are polite and shy, so any girl approaching you and getting in your face is looking for cash, it’s a tranny, or you’re about to get mugged.

It’s a great idea to arrange some dates online in advance, but never, ever send any girl you meet on an online dating site money – if they ask for money, for any reason, you’re being scammed.

With that being said having some adult dating fun here is ridiculously easy, because you’re a foreigner, and that means you enjoy a much better standard of living than any Filipina can ever hope for.

In fact, most Filipinos earn no more than maybe $300 per month, so you’re insanely well off in comparison.

When it comes to actually going on a date don’t be surprised if she brings along a female friend – this is her version of boasting about how lucky she is to be dating a foreign guy.

Also, don’t rely on local contraception because the condoms sold here probably won’t fit you.

beautiful filipina

HIV isn’t a major problem here, but you can’t afford to take any chances.

The best places to meet girls who aren’t “pros” is in bookstores, coffee shops, and the upmarket bars and clubs.

Hanging out near colleges and universities is also a good move if you’re looking for young and well-educated girls to spend time with.

A daily budget of around $50 is more than enough for a nice hotel, good food, and some entertainment costs, but a budget of nearer $100 per day will allow you to really enjoy your stay here.

Oh, and only ever drink bottled water unless you want to spend several days attached to a toilet.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In The Philippines <<

2. Colombia

beautiful scenes and the ladies of Colombia

This is probably another surprise entry for any guy who hasn’t actually spent time here. The country has gotten a bad rap over the years because of numerous domestic issues with drugs and violence, but that only affects a tiny part of the vast country that is Colombia.

The rich ethnic mix here means you have insanely hot women walking around everywhere, and the women here are generally friendly towards gringos.

Amolatina - video dating

Girls here will actively compete to find their knight in shining armor, so you should be prepared for having lots of attention showered on you, especially because gringos are considered to be “exotic”.

Just bear in mind that most Colombians don’t speak English, and if they do it’s broken English at best.

This means getting some Spanish lessons under your belt before you arrive, firstly to be able to talk to local girls without sounding like an idiot, and secondly if you can’t speak at least some Spanish the girls here will assume you’re just another sleazy tourist looking for an easy hook-up, or you’re only interested in prostitutes, who don’t care what language you speak.

When Colombian girls go out partying it’s usually with a group of women, including their aunts and mothers, so you have to be able to breach this social circle to have any chance of dating success here.

columbian girls on a party

Asking a girl to dance is the easiest way to break the ice – most of the girls will be happy to dance. It’s almost rude for them to say “No”. Oh that reminds us: get salsa dancing lessons before come here.

Colombian men are habitual cheaters though, so you might find it takes a little bit of work to build trust with the women here.

Once you have their trust though, it’s game on from that point onwards. If the girl you’re interested in going on a date with is over 25, and still single, then she probably has kids.

She might not tell you that straight away, because she knows it might scare her gringo off, but just be aware this might happen.

Colombian girls live at home until they get married, so when you do get lucky you’ll need to use a love motel if you want some privacy.

The best cities to meet girls include Medellin, Cartagena, Cali, Bogota, Pereira, and Barranquilla, and Saturday is THE night to go out partying.

Wearing jeans and a t-shirt is fine when you go out to a bar or club, but we’d suggest dressing to impress unless you want to look like another bust-ass gringo looking for cheap thrills.

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You’ll wind up with a lot of cell phone numbers – she’s not going to call you first though, and she might never return your call. That’s just how it goes here.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Colombia <<

3. Thailand

Thailand beaches and pretty girls

Now we’re entering more familiar territory in terms of overseas dating and adventure. You don’t need us to tell you that Thailand is a great place to meet exotic women and that you won’t need to sell a kidney to make that happen.

What we would like to give you are some expert tips on what steps you can take to make the most of your trip.

Thai women expect their men to be men and not the metrosexuals that Western women demand, so you need to shake off that “desire” to keep women happy no matter how insane their requests are.

That’s not how women from this part of the world are wired – they expect you to be masculine, to be assertive, and to be honest. They’ll assume you want to sign up to be a ladyboy if you spend more time on your appearance than they do

Being European or North American means you’ll stand out as the farang (foreigner) that you are, and you’ll get a lot of attention from girls here based purely on that.

If you dress well the amount of attention you get will double. It’s easy enough to pick up “bar girls” here because you’re trading Baht for intimacy, but that’s a cheap way of having fun.

Instead, you should plan a trip to Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Koh Samui or Phuket Island to meet some real Thai girls.

beautiful thai woman

Pattaya is done to death at this stage, so you’re better off avoiding it unless you’re an 80-year-old looking to score an 18-year-old girl. In which case, we have the perfect guide to dating younger women, for you

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Aim for a budget of around $20 per day to start, but with the ability to increase that to $50 per day, depending on what activities you have in mind.

Plan your visit here to take place between November and February because that’s when the weather is at its coolest.

DO NOT attempt to bring drugs into or out of Thailand. Possession of small amounts of certain narcotics can result in the death penalty here. You’ve been warned. Don’t drink the tap water either – you’ll probably live to regret it.

Hang around bars frequented by university students because they’re less likely to be inhabited by “pros”, and more likely to have Thai girls who are genuinely interested in hearing about where you’re from, and what you do.

Get chatting to some girls before you arrive here – if nothing else they can act as your tour guide, showing you what to avoid.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Thailand <<

4. Costa Rica

Costa Rican women and attractions

Not only is this one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but it’s also home to some of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen.

Part of the reason they look so fit and healthy is simply that they eat a better diet than most western women, and they also invest time in staying in shape.

Looking good isn’t rocket science. Living in a tropical climate with some of the world’s best beaches on your doorstep obviously makes staying in shape a lot more fun, and the Ticas here definitely benefit from all that sun too.

Most of the Costa Rican women you’ll want to date will speak English, but you should take some Spanish lessons, just in case.

Dating can be a real numbers game at times, and fortunately for you, there are more single Ticas than there are men here, so you’ll have plenty of single women to choose from.

sexy girl from costa rica

The other neat thing about Costa Rican girls is that they share many cultural similarities with people from North America and certain parts of Europe.

This means they’re more like you than you might expect, and that they’ll understand where you’re from.

In fact, Costa Rica is known for having “gringo groupies” – girls who will only date foreign men. You should take full advantage of this.

The cities you need to hit up are San Jose, Managua and Heredia, but that’s not a complete list. Speak to any backpackers you meet to find out where they’ve had the most fun.

Write this down: Having sex with a girl under the age of 18 is a serious offense here, often resulting in prison sentences of at least 10 years.

There’s very little crime here, but you do need to watch out for pickpockets, especially when they work in gangs.

A decent hotel room costs about $35 per night, and a budget of $50 per day should be more than enough to get you by.

If you can afford more than that as a daily budget you’re literally going to run out of things to spend money on. Amazing women, great food and stunning scenery – what more could you ask for?

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Costa Rica <<

5. Ukraine

the babes and sceneries in Ukraine

And we come to another travel destination for single guys that probably has you wondering why it made #5 on our list? Simple: The women.

Ukrainian girls put a lot of work into looking good. For example, wearing high heels and perfectly done makeup is something they do without thinking – there doesn’t need to be a special occasion.

This is what makes the Ukraine such an undiscovered gem for any single guy traveling the world – most guys simply wouldn’t bother stopping here.

When you meet your fist few Ukrainians you might get the feeling they’re a bit “cold”, but they’re some of the friendliest people you could hope to meet, once they get to know you.

Women here are very open-minded when it comes to dating a guy from Europe or North America, especially because she knows that she might just wind up going to visit you there if she’s really lucky.

sexy girl from ukraine

Finding hot women to date in Ukraine is something you’ll have to invest a few weeks in, mostly because the country is so absolutely massive.

So instead of paying for a hotel, you’re far better off renting an apartment for 2 – 3 weeks instead.

Learning Russian is something else you’ll have to do if you want to have any chance of actually talking to girls without resorting to sign language.

In terms of meeting girls, you’re better off avoiding the big bars and nightclubs and aim for student bars and clubs instead.

Bring cash with you when you go out because although most bars and restaurants will accept a major credit card, there’s a very good risk you’ll get scammed.

There has been some recent unrest in the far eastern parts of the country, so please avoid traveling to Lugansk. Kharkov and Kiev will provide you with all the entertainment and girls you need.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Ukraine <<

#6 Dominican Republic

hot babes and places from Dominican Republic

Girls from the DR aren’t the least bit materialistic, which always comes as a major relief to single guys from other parts of the world.

We’ve become so accustomed to women demanding money, time, attention and gifts from us that we’ve forgotten what it’s like to just be appreciated for who we are.

Women here don’t fit into any particular niche – they literally come in all shapes, sizes and skin tones, but they all share the same natural beauty. What is also consistent is that pretty much every DR girl you’ll cross paths with will have a body almost worth dying for.

Even better is that they love getting out and having fun – there’s a huge emphasis here on enjoying the moment and worrying about the trivial stuff later on.

Girls from slightly wealthier families generally have lighter skin, but that wealth can make them as spoiled as women from Europe and North America, so know when to pick your fights.

English isn’t widely spoken except by the lighter-skinned girls, so learn some Spanish before you get here – even conversational Spanish is enough.

sexy dominicans

The cities we suggest you spend time in are Punta Cana, Boca Chica, and Santo Domingo – SD is the pickup capital of the country, and in particular Calle Del Sol in the city.

We know that Cabarete and Sosua are recommended by some other international dating sites, but both places are now overflowing with “working girls”, and it’s genuinely difficult to spot some of the pros. Please also avoid the border region with Haiti if at all possible.

Restaurants are good places to meet women, which might seem odd, but try it. Girls who work in bars are also very open to dating a foreign guy, so spend some time getting to know the girl currently serving you a cold beer.

Most girls will expect to spend their first date with you at the beach, but if you have a bit of cash to splash then organize a pool party and invite lots of girls – very few of them will refuse. Online dating is huge here, so make sure you use that to your advantage before you arrive.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In The Dominican Republic <<

7. China

Great Wall and the ladies of China

Of all the countries on our ‘Hot List’ China is the one which most people would identify with the mystique of the Orient.

A vast and exotic country, it provides single guys with tons of dating opportunities – there are literally millions of single women living here, and most of them are quietly and desperately searching for a boyfriend.

Unmarried women in their late 20s or early 30s are seen as undesirable as a girlfriend by most Chinese men, so these same girls will be more than happy to go on a date with you.

You really do need to be aware of the language barrier here, and it’s not a potential one – it very much exists in that very few Chinese women speak fluent English.

The Chinese women who do speak perfect English will have no interest in you because they’ve already married the richest Chinese guy they could find.

sexy chinese girl

So, that means learning Mandarin before you head off on your Asian dating adventure. Learning Chinese takes time, so don’t expect to pick it up on the flight, because that isn’t going to happen.

There’s also the opportunity here to use your native language to your advantage by signing up for a course in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL/TOEFL/TESOL).

That way you can cover all your travel and accommodation expenses, and get to meet lots of cute young Chinese students at the same time.

Chinese girls definitely prefer taller guys, so if you’re taller than 5′ 9″ you’ll automatically get more attention.

One of the best ways to meet Chinese girls is to download the QQ chat app onto your phone. There are other chat apps in use here, but most of them are used by far younger girls, so stick to the QQ app.

Make sure all your vaccinations and travel shots are up to date before traveling to China. Air pollution in major Chinese cities is now at critical levels, so if you have an existing respiratory illness you should check local conditions before flying here.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In China <<

8. Vietnam

Amazing girls and beautiful places from Vietnam

It might seem like something you hear about every Asian girl, but Viet girls are shy by nature. This means it can be difficult to get them to send you their picture, which leaves you thinking you’re being scammed.

With that being said you should chat with a couple of Vietnamese girls online before you get here, mainly because that’s how a lot of Vietnamese girls actually meet guys in their own country.

Why don’t they stick with local guys instead of looking for a farang like you? Mostly because Vietnamese men have a reputation for being lazy and domineering, and Viet girls are so over that at this stage in the country’s history.

The cities you should spend time in are Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City, Na Trang for its beaches, and Danang is also a great city for meeting girls.

You might be tempted to head to Hanoi in the north of the country, but it’s a grey expanse with nothing much going on there in the dating scene.

pretty viet girl

When it comes to the art of dating Viet girls be prepared to be friend-zoned early on in the game. This happens because they want to move through the stages of being your friend first, and then to something more serious before anything happens between you.

Basically how this works is that if she starts to ignore your advances then ignore her right back – she’ll break first. One of the ways to show her you’re really interested in her is to buy her a small gift.

Avoid anywhere that groups of backpackers stay or hang out – they attract thieves and beggars, like flies. Farangs get overcharged on everything from a bowl of noodles, to a taxi or a hotel room, so pay attention to that.

You can slum it here on a budget of about $30 per day, but you’ll have a lot more fun if you can stretch your budget to $75 per day.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Vietnam <<

9. Brazil

tourist spots and the women of Brazil

The women here have a reputation for being some of the hottest in the world, and we can confirm that this is a reputation they deserve. Sure, they look beautiful, but it’s about much more than their faces.

These are tanned and toned women who simply exude sex in the way they walk, in the way they talk, and even in how they smile.

Portuguese is the national language, and it’s not difficult to pick up the basics, so spend some time using Rosetta Stone, Duo Lingo or Live Mocha to pick up what you’ll need for conversation.

Portuguese is completely different from Spanish however, so don’t assume that if you can speak Spanish you’ll be able to speak Portuguese.

You will find plenty of girls in the bigger cities who do speak English, but knowing Portuguese will come in handy.

sexy brazilian girl

The first item on your shopping list should be an apartment because you’ll need to stay here for at least three weeks to figure out the local dating scene.

Where you get your apartment is up to you, but you’ll be choosing between Divinopolis, Governador Valadares, Montes Claros, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Florianopolis.

If you love beaches then add Ipanema to the list – this beach is crammed full of incredible Brazilian girls with beach bods.

Brazilian girls love a guy who makes the first move, so don’t be shy. At worst you’ve misjudged that she was interested in you, but there’s a very good chance she’ll be receptive to your approach.

Most women here expect men to be dominant, so don’t sit there waiting for them to come to you. Bars or beaches are the best places to meet women here, and there are lots of both to choose from.

Visiting Brazil has become a lot more expensive over the last few years, and women here are becoming more westernized with each passing generation.

This means these Latin beauties are quickly picking up the same bad habits as their North American and European “sisters”.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Brazil <<

10. Mexico

the natural beauty of Mexico and Mexican girls

Mexico is an often forgotten destination for young guys to use as their first stop on an international adventure. The simple fact that Mexico is located on the doorstep of the United States makes it a no-brainer to visit.

Outside of Spring Break trips most Americans won’t visit Mexico unless they have no other choice because they think it’s a dangerous country.

The reality is that unless you decide to get drunk, walking around waving wads of cash, most cities in Mexico are as safe as anywhere else in the world.

Getting to know Mexican girls means breaching their social circle i.e. the group of girls they’re hanging out with.

Some guys hate the thoughts of doing this, but if you want to get lucky in Mexico then you’ll need to nut up and get on with it.

beautiful mexican girl

You can forget about using cheesy PUA techniques on these girls  – if she’s interested she’ll let you know straight away, but if she’s not interested you’re wasting your time trying to ‘neg’ them, or do any of that other PUA stuff.

Most girls live with their parents until they’re married, so be prepared to shell out for a nice hotel if you want to spend some time alone with your date. Although a lot of Mexican girls speak English it’s still a good idea to learn at least some Spanish.

Cities to add to your itinerary include Morelia, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Leon and Mexico City itself.

Mexican girls are friendly, outgoing and most of them are happy to date gringos, but only after you’ve demonstrated that you’re enough of a man to make the first move. Are you seeing a pattern here?

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Mexico <<

Up and Coming Countries

The following countries came up just shy of making our Top 10, but that situation might change in the not too distant future, especially with some of the more popular South American countries.

11. Peru

wonderful babes and best places in Peru

While most guys are flocking to Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica, there are as many more heading for Peru instead.

Lima is one of the safest cities in Latin America, so you can relax for the duration of your visit.

The cost of living here is very low, so your dollars go a lot further.

Being a gringo here is a real bonus – they simply don’t have a lot of North American or European visitors, so your presence is a real novelty for the women here.

pretty woman form peru

In fact, Peruvian girls will go out of their way to make you happy, including accompanying you back to your hotel at the end of your date.

Girls here love whiskey, so make sure that’s the first drink you buy whatever hotty you have your eye on.

Cities to visit include Cuzco, Huanchaco, Huaraz, Lima, and Puno. If you’re in Lima then check out the party scene around Miraflores – you won’t be disappointed.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Peru <<

12. Kazakhstan

stunning places and beauties of Kazakhstan

Most guys think we’re joking when we mention Kazakhstan as an ideal place to meet girls, but that’s only because the entire country has been made fun of in several Hollywood movies.

The truth is that it’s full of stunning women, just as hot as girls from Latvia, Poland or the Czech Republic, for example.

The two major cities for single guys to hang out in are Astana and Almaty, where you’ll find lots of modern bars, cafes, and clubs – these are the best places to meet Kazakh girls.

Most Western guys expect to find a gray, depressing, former Soviet state, with nothing to do, and everyone is sitting around in the cold, drinking Vodka, but that simply isn’t the case.

sexy kazakh girl

If at all possible only travel to Kazakhstan during the spring – it can be unbearably hot during the summer, and incredibly cold during the winter.

Kazakh girls are very receptive to hanging out with American and European men but do be aware that some of them will be looking to move home with you.

We would suggest paying Kazakhstan a visit before all the PUAs hear about it, and then ruin it for everyone else.

>> CLICK HERE For More Information On Dating In Kazakhstan <<

13. Cambodia

The secret beauty of Cambodia

Khmer girls are some of the most alluring anywhere in Asia. They look quite similar to Thai girls, but there are some subtle differences.

They tend to be lighter-skinned, and slightly more conservative around foreign men, or at least until they get to know you.

Cities like Phnom Pen are famous for the rampant sex tourism that goes on there, but not every Khmer girl you meet is a hooker. Most of them are sincere, chilled, and just want to spend some time with their new foreign friend.

Again you’ll need to make the first move if you want to hook up with a girl.

Typical cambodian woman

If the girl makes the first move in a social setting then you’re dealing with a “professional” who’s only interested in what’s inside your wallet.

The three best cities for meeting girls are Phnom Pen, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville – the latter has some fantastic beaches.

You can start off with just $20 per day to live on, but if you can spare $50 you’ll have a fantastic trip. Oh, and you will stay in Cambodia for far longer than you planned – it happens to most guys, so don’t sweat it.

14. Ethiopia

Ethiopia cool place and women

How many of you have considered Africa as someplace to meet hot girls? Probably none of you, right?

That’s good because this means only you, me and the team here know just what a hot prospect Ethiopia is for meeting girls.

Ethiopian girls are said to be the best looking in Africa, and that’s probably because their features are slightly more European in nature, with the olive skin of an Arab princess added in for good measure.

Average Ethiopian girls are nothing to write home about, but when you meet the 8’s, 9’s and 10’s your jaw will hit the floor. Yes, they’re that beautiful.

beautiful Ethiopian girl

There are no social barriers to worry about here, and most Ethiopian girls love meeting foreigners, as long as they’re respectful. Be warned though that prostitution is big business here, and especially in Adis Ababa.

If you’re approached in a nightclub by a girl claiming to be a hairdresser we can assure you that she’s a professional, but at something else entirely.

$30 per day is enough for your food, entertainment, and accommodation here. The beer is cheap and cold, the people are friendly, and the coffee is some of the very best you’ll get to taste this side of eternity.